How To Store CBD Oil


CBD oil is becoming ever-popular due to its effects on people’s health. CBD can potentially help with health issues as acute and chronic pain, neurological problems like anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and plenty of other problems. CBD oil especially is taking the reign in the holistic healing approach, but this does not mean that people who use it know how to properly store it.

Do you need to store it in the fridge, or you can keep it on your bedside table? Here we will explain how to store your CBD oil for it not to lose its precious effects. We’ll also explain how long you can keep your CBD oil. If you have any doubts, we’re sure you’ll find the answers here.

How To Store CBD Oils

Do You Keep CBD Oil In The Fridge?

CBD oil, especially full-spectrum CBD oil is full of active cannabinoid and terpene ingredients that comprise the beneficial healing properties of this oil. While these are not that dependent on temperature, they are quite sensitive to light. It is also why most CBD companies chose to pack their CBD oil in amber glass bottles.

When you buy your CBD oil, on the package label you will see that the manufacturer states that you store your CBD oil in a “dark and cool place.” Does this mean the fridge? Actually, it does not. The best way to keep the benefits of your CBD oil longer is to store it in a cupboard or a pantry. Here it will stay at room temperature, but away from direct sunlight.

Most quality CBD oils do not have any preservatives in them. That means if stored improperly like near a heat source or in direct sunlight, these can develop mold or even bacteria. So, to avoid this, simply put your CBD oil in a cool dark place.

Can CBD Oil Be Frozen?

If you get a good deal on a larger quantity of CBD oil, then you should know how to properly keep it for longer. In such a case, it would be probably alright to freeze some of your CBD oil. Here you should note that you should only freeze CBD oil bottles (not CBD inhalers) that have not been opened and exposed to air. The air contains oxygen which can adversely affect the quality of the CBD oil. Also, an opened container could allow smells and moisture from the freezer to enter the CBD oil, effectively ruining it.

By freezing your CBD oil, you can see that it will become very thick and even cloudy. Even as such, it will not lose its beneficial effects. But if you have any doubts, then you can contact the seller or manufacturer for more info on freezing your CBD oil.

How Long To Store Your CBD?

The ingredients in the CBD oil deteriorate over a prolonged period. The deterioration process is faster if there is air in the bottle, as well as direct sunlight. If you have a larger quantity of CBD oil and wish to store it, you can do it safely for up to a year. Anything longer than that, and the natural processes in the oil will cause too much decay of the useful ingredients, resulting in less effective CBD oil.

To keep track, you should look at the color of the oil. Most CBD oils on the market today are filtered and are clear in color, so you can easily notice changes. If the oil starts to change to a darker color, that means it is getting less effective and is recommended that you use it sooner. Storing it much longer will also affect the flavor, and after a while, the CBD oil can become extremely unpleasant to use orally.

Guideline On Proper Storing Of CBD Oils

To appease any doubts you may have on the proper storing of CBD oil, we’ve made the following guidelines explaining what you need to think of when storing CBD oil. Make sure you follow these to ensure your CBD oil stays in the usable condition the longest.

  • Keep your CBD oil tightly closed, never leave it opened for a long time; oxygen can cause it to deteriorate faster
  • Keep your CBD oil away from heat sources: stove, oven, space heater; the heat can cause it to deteriorate faster
  • Keep your CBD oil away from direct sunlight; UV rays can cause it to deteriorate faster
  • Do not leave your CBD oil bottle in your vehicle; the heat in summer can cause it to deteriorate faster
  • Keep your CBD oil away from children and pets

Final Thoughts

If you take care of your CBD oil properly, it will take care of you longer. Knowing how to adequately store this product means you can use it longer and won’t risk mold, bacteria, or using a lesser quality product.

Usually, for most of us, we tend to use our CBD oils as soon as we buy them. But in the case of having a bulk stored, take care of it properly by not exposing it to heat and light, and keep it sealed and stored in the original packages. For any doubts, you can ask the manufacturer for advice, but it is probably alright to freeze your CBD oil to prolong its usefulness.

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